I have a semi-good understanding of classes even if I don't totally 'grok' 
the benefits for the projects I've worked on so far.

One thing that keeps smacking me in the face, though, is reverse engineering 
in order to make proper changes to projects created by others using classes.

In particular, I've been doing a lot of Joomla work and I end up doing a 
global "find in files" trying to trace things back to see where they're 
assigned, etc.

In particular 2, "$this".  I know it's a keyword meaing "the active object".. 
I'm cool with that, but sometimes I need to make changes to how things are 
handled, or what data is included.  I can do a print_r and see what type of 
object it is, look up the class definition, etc, but it still seems like a 
pretty cumbersome way of doing things.

Anyone have any tips for debugging/reverse engineering/noodling-out classes 
on big projects created by someone else? 

I figure things out eventually, I just want to speed up the process and do it 
'smarter' if possible.



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