Teck schreef:

I'm trying to find a way to get part of a string where the part is matched with regular expressions.

So, for example, if I have a string:


I need to grab "12b3cd5" using regular expressions and store the part in a variable.

what are the rules for determining "12b3cd5" is what you want?
do you want to match the exact string? do you want to match the
length? the combination of letters and numbers?

$match = array();
$res = preg_match("#^(\d{2}[a-z]\d[a-z]{2}\d).*#", "12b3cd5ef6ghi7232jklmn", 

if ($res)
        echo "no match.";

the above code matches the beginning of a string that starts with 2 digits,
followed by a lower case letter followed by a digit followed by 2 lower case 
followed by a digit followed by anything.

$var = do_something("","","a2b3cd5ef6ghi7232jklmn");

I was using preg_replace for this, and try to delete (i.e., replace the non-matched part with an empty string) the second part, but I can't make it work.

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