On Sat, January 26, 2008 5:57 pm, Michael Fischer wrote:
> hi there,
> is there a way to determine the tmp-filename of a file upload while
> the upload is still in progress?
> the tmp-file is stored in /tmp and it's name is something like
> what i would like to do is:
> i want to upload a file via a html-form and while the upload is in
> progress make repeatedly ajax-requests to a php-script on the server
> that replies the size of the tmp file (the amount of data that was
> already uploaded). So in this script i need to know what the
> tmp-filename is.
> or do you think this is a completely useless approach?

Google for PHP upload meter instead.

That's probably how it works, more or less...

I still think it's STOOPID to round-trip back and forth to the server
to get an upload progress meter -- The browser developers should be
providing you with some kind of progress notification system locally!

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Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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