I am trying to run a something everytime a certain page is loaded.  I am
using PHP4 and am running Debian Linux.  I am trying to run this command
with exec:

 exec("/usr/sbin/postalias hash:aliases", $results);

In case you are curious this turns a file called aliases into a hashed
aliases file (aliases.db) so that postfix (a mail program), can look at
this aliases file.  I put this in a page and the page loads with no
errors, but the command doesnt look like it was ever run.  If I check
the aliases.db file the modified date is never right.  Any thoughts or
suggestions on what is going on or howto debug this so I can get more
information (I have been echoing the results but nothing comes up).
Thanks for you time.


Clayton Bluhm

Computer Engineering Student


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