On Feb 6, 2008 9:38 AM, js <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> HI,
> When writing tests, do you use phpt or phpunit? (or another one?)
> Why do you use that one?
> Let's share the idea.
> I like both, but when I write simple tests, I prefer to  use phpt

ive just now learned of phpt.  this would explain some of the tests i
was looking at in spl; thanks for the info!

> because it's less code and easy to write.

really, phpunit tests are pretty small; i dont think it could be  *that*
much difference.
 phpunit has some other features you may have overlooked, such
as code coverage analysis.  it will also generate test stubs as well,
via a cli argument
phpunit --skeleton

however, with phpunit, im not sure exactly how to test procedural files
or even sets of global functions.  it is really designed for testing only
classes, afaik..


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