on 02/06/2008 11:10 AM js said the following:
> Hi list,
> When creating a LAMP app, I always start by writing ORM myself.
> It's fun but it usually takes a  long time.
> Besides, that always results in a toy-system,
> I mean, that has not so many features, not so efficient non-bug-free.
> I started to think that now is the time  to throw away my rubbish
> and use more effective Open source ORM.
> So my  question is what ORM are you using?
> What ORM do you recommend?
> There're lots of Web app frameworks out there
> but I could't find simple ORM in PHP.

A similar question was asked here a couple of days ago.

I will be repeating myself, but what I said was that I use Metatsorage
which is an ORM class generator tool. It is a different approach than
others you may find. It generates persistent object classes that are
smaller and more efficient.

You may find more about Metastorage here:


Here you may find a small example application:


Here you may see some screenshots of the Web user interface of the
generator tool and screenshots of the applications:



Manuel Lemos

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PHP Classes - Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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