2008/2/7 Louie Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Good Day All

    What's up, Louie?

> I am running windows xp pro and using built in IIS as my web-server.  And I
> installed PHP 5.2.5. I also installed MySQL 5.0.37.  Now PHP is working, how
> ever I having problems with the configuration with MySQL.
> I do not understand why it's not using the php.ini file or what I am doing
> wrong.

    From your explanation of the steps you took, it sounds to me like
you forgot to restart your HTTP server (in this case, IIS).  Restart
that and all should work as planned.

    Changes to configuration files (such as php.ini) are "read in" to
the servers (daemons) when they are executed, and can't be changed
dynamically.  The same goes for MySQL, Apache, SSH, et cetera.


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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