Daniel Brown schreef:
On Feb 7, 2008 7:10 PM, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
McNaught, Scott schreef:
.         Get profile results for novices without having to mess around
installing php binaries such as APD / zend debugger etc
I suppose that includes xdebug?

    If xdebug works as a local binary (which it may, I'm not sure),
you'd still have to have a local php.ini and be allowed to override
the server php.ini by configuration, no?

    What if both of the above are true, but a user has no permissions
to compile?

    While I was going to point out this morning that he failed to
mention xdebug (which is my personal favorite), I still wouldn't
discount his script-based profiler, if he can get it to work.  Imagine
being able to drop that into a project on SourceForge.

indeed - I wasn't discounting his idea, if it works it could be very handy
for situtation where you don't have any server access.

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