Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2008 10:13:15 schrieb Peter Ford:

> What if you don't have a DTD in the XML to validate it with?
> I haven't tested it but it was something that worked in the Java XML
> processing stuff. No DTD, no validation: simple!
> So have you tried stripping the DOCTYPE declaration before XSLTing the XML?

Interesting idea. No, i have not tried it. Problem: At least one of the files 
to be parsed is xhtml. And the result is, besides others, xhtml and html.

Ah, BTW: Parsing the rss file is very fast. So indeed this might help. But 
unfortunately i need the DOCTYPE in the (x)html files, at least in the 
resulting files.

But indeed interesting idea. I'll think about it.

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