Robert Cummings wrote:
On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 21:09 -0600, Larry Garfield wrote:
On Monday 18 February 2008, Nick Stinemates wrote:

I have found, however, that if I ever need to return /multiple/ values,
it's usually because of bad design and/or the lack of proper
You mean you've never had a function like getCoordinates()? Or
getUsers(), or any other of a zillion perfectly valid and reasonable
functions that return multiple values as an array? Wow, how odd!

getCoordinates() would return a Point object
getUsers() would return a Group  object...

Not rocket science ;)
I wouldn't consider an array of user objects to be "multiple things". I consider it a single aggregate thing, and return arrays all the time. That's conceptually different from wanting two separate return values from a function, which is indeed conceptually icky.

Yes, an aggregate is comprised of multiple things usually. Hence when
decomposing the concept you are indeed returning multiple values-- both
points of view are valid. If you receive a parcel of 100 pens. I can
say, "has the parcel arrived yet" (one entity) or "have the pens arrived
yet" (multiple entities).

At any rate, the O.P. wanted to return multiple values called $x and $y.
It seems quite reasonable to assume he was returning something akin to
coordinates but didn't know how to do so by binding them in an
aggregating structure such as an array, or if you wish, an object.


seriously, whats wrong with returning an array? half the standard php functions return array's, therefore at least half of php has been designed badly..?

ps: when working with co-ordinates / GIS data you should really be using wkb data instead, it's much faster. [unpack]

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