On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 10:39 PM, Manuel Barros Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I guess the download is stoped by some timeout and not because of the
>  amount of kb downloaded because the size varies slightly. If that
>  timeout exists it should be of apox. 5-10 seconds.

    Check the values in php.ini for the following:

    And since you're uploading, also check these values in php.ini:

    Then, presuming you use Apache, check your httpd.conf file to see
if the value of Timeout is sufficient.  The default is 300.

>  I use this function to perform the upload $contenido is the content of
>  the file and to that variable I assign the big chunk of output from
>  the report, $nombre_archivo is the optional name for the file. I can
>  paste more code but I think the problem is here.

    Here's a rewrite of your function, which you can see working live
at http://www.pilotpig.net/code-library/stream-file-with-checking.php.
 Sorry if my Spanish isn't very good in the code itself. :-\

// Illustrates a way to serve a CSV file and ensure
// that the client is still active.
// Originally written for Manuel Barros Reyes on php-general

function enviarArchivo($contenido, $nombre_archivo = "") {

        if($nombre_archivo == "") {
                 $nombre_archivo = date("dmyHi").".csv";

        header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
        header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$nombre_archivo");
        header("Content-Length: ".strlen($contenido));

        $arsenal_contenido = explode("\n",$contenido);

        for($i=0;$i<count($arsenal_contenido);$i++) {
                if(connection_status() != 0) {
                        $err  = "La conexion ha estado cerrada.  ";
                        $err .= "Estos datos no podian ser enviados:\n";
                        $err .= $arsenal_contenido[$i];
                echo $arsenal_contenido[$i]."\n";



Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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