Stut a écrit :
On 2 Mar 2008, at 16:32, Richard wrote:
Stut a écrit :
Just curious... why are you setting the password to an empty array? You'd probably be better off unset'ing it so you can use isset to check for it.

Oh right ! :)
Yes you're right about the array, I used it by mistake, as to reset a value in $_SESSION[cart] , ie : $_SESSION['cart']['item_number'] I had to do $_SESSION['cart']['item_number'] = array(); as unset would anly work for unsetting the whole cart and not just one item, but yes it would be best to use unset for $_SESSION['password'] !

Eh? What's in $_SESSION['cart']['item_number']? You might want to consider one of the following depending on what's in that array element...


unset($_SESSION['cart'][array_search($itemtoremove, $_SESSION['cart'])]);

unset($_SESSION['cart']['item_number'][array_search($itemtoremove, $_SESSION['cart']['item_number'])]);

At the very least it would be better to use null rather than array(), but actually removing the item from the array would be my recommendation.


Sorry I went back to where I read that I should use =array(); and I miss read an instruction which was :

|Quote from

"Do NOT unset the whole $_SESSION with unset($_SESSION) as this will disable the registering of session variables through the $_SESSION superglobal."

So basically don't do:

Instead do:
$_SESSION = array();|

So no need for setting my session variables to array()...

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