Andrés Robinet wrote:
Anyway... you will get one thousand opinions about Frameworks, and 90% of them
may be correct. Choose the framework you like after playing around with some
examples and having an overview of the reference manual (forgot to say,
documentation is really important to get you started).


Thanks again. I think you've set out exactly an opinion I was after. Off course it all depends on which level one has stepped in, is now and wants to be when start using a framework.

I've not taken the step to build my own or tested anything as an early adoptor on any of them. But I see that RAD makes the difference nowadays. Time is money. People want more features in less time etc. If I don't get used to a framework very soon, I'm out of business.

I want to do the whole thing. I want an environment that takes a lot of fuss out of my hands:
- Unit testing, never done it, but sounds reasonable.
- MVC, makes sense but can be interpreted over the top.
- DB abstraction.... The environments I've been in don't switch from DB's over night, so I don't care. I wanna see my queries and where they come from, period. I don't need no fricking querybuilding stuff. - Form handling. Validation is key. Security is important, so sanitizing input must be done as early as possible. - Error handling. Get information back from your code. I need that together with Unit testing. Should save debugging time.

Voila, all arguments for a good framework. Zend sounds really a stable and reliable product. I'm gonna setup a testserver and see how far it goes.

BTW, any people having experience with PHP UnderControl?

Aschwin Wesselius

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