On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 15:17 -0500, Greg Donald wrote:
> On 3/13/08, Robert Cummings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sooooo... there we have it everyone... Greg has admitted that Ruby is as 
> > smart as a cat.
> Hahaha..  yeah, you really got me on that one.
> /me slaps his knee.
> >  I like something a little more edgy personally. Something closer to 
> > human... something
> > with personality, something that evolves, something not afraid to be 
> > itself. PHP fits
> > the bill.
> PHP is anything but itself.  Before it was actually written in C it
> was first written in Perl.  And although it may be written in C and
> may look like C and Perl right now, it's clearly evolving into
> something very similar to Java.  PHP has a long, long history with
> identity crisis, ongoing even today.

But PHP is neither C, Perl, or Java. It's PHP, it formed it's own

> Meanwhile Ruby was written as a full-on OO language from the start.
> The OO layer didn't get "strapped on" at version 3 like with PHP.

Strapped on is called "evolution". Somewhere along the line some
creature "strapped on" a pair of eyeballs... and now you can read. Or
maybe you're a creationist... to each their own I suppose.

> OO was the main idea from the very start with Ruby.  As a result Ruby's
> OO model makes PHP's OO model look like a steaming pile of shit out in
> the pasture.  Hell, Perl's OO even makes PHP's OO look bad
> syntax-wise.

PHP gives you options. You can code procedural or OO. It's up to you.
Functional would be nice in some cases, but it's not a requirement.
Personally I like to KISS and make lightweight use of OOP principles. In
that respect, but certainly not limited to that respect, I really can't
say the syntax looks bad. Now Ruby syntax... that is weird... so too is
Perl syntax.

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