Ray Hauge wrote:
> I've been reading up on some of the parts of PHP that has been suggested
> could be improved so that I could be more well informed.  One of the
> more "interesting" (for lack of a better word) suggestions is closures.
>  I've used closures primarily in JavaScript, and they are handy in that
> context, but JavaScript handles events and other more dynamic situations
> like that.
> I can't really think of any good examples of why I'd want to use a
> closure instead of just calling functions or class methods in PHP.
> Variable functions and call_user_func*() have worked for any of the
> cases where I did need to be a bit more dynamic.
> I found a great summary of some discussion on the internals mailing list
> over here: http://devzone.zend.com/node/view/id/2013#Heading1
> After reading that article through, I do like Wez's idea of how to
> create anonymous functions.  The point about it causing confusion with
> people coming from other languages definitely applies though.  This
> article also gives me a second idea for this post.  How many people
> would want closures in PHP?
> In summary:
> Would you want closures in PHP, and why?
O.K. so I check wikipedia and read what a closure was :-)  But what in a
simple sentence or two would is the benefit of a closure compared to how
you would get the same functionality in PHP now?


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