At 6:39 PM +0200 3/19/08, Dotan Cohen wrote:
I need to count how many Hebrew characters a given string has. I have
been checking, character by character, if the given character is a
[ý‚™] and if so I simply ++ the counting variable. It turns out that
this is rather resouce intensive, and I may need a better way of doing
this. I have looked at count_chars and considered writing a wrapper
function for each of the 27 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but I am
quite sure that there is a cleverer method. Any ideas?

Dotan Cohen


Are you using mb_<whatever> functions?

Hebrew characters are not ASCII and as such may contain graphemes and ligatures. You need to use Unicode safe routines (i.e., mb_strlen() etc. ) for string manipulations.



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