Jochem Maas wrote:
essentially it boils down to replacing '::' with '/' to determine the path
from the namespace in your case - that is easy enough, your still stuck with finding out whether your being asked to load a namespace, class, or function (do namespaced functions even trigger an autoload, if not that obviously makes things simpler. maybe the autoloader can just match the path as deep it can and
then load every file inside the determine path. e.g:

From my testing I've found the autoload function is called for any namespace related call, functions and constants.

Your idea for replacing '::' with '/' is good but I'd think it'll interfere with the arithmetic operator '/'. I'm sure they must have discussed such options.

Is this something I should bring up on the internals? I think it is an issue, autoload not being able to know if it's class or namespace related.

However, I think the call for namespace functions and constants is good, just need to know it's for namespaces... Gives you the opportunity to load the missing files.

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