Evert Lammerts wrote:
My system is accessible through an index.php file. This file does a bunch of includes to include global variables, which in function context become available through the global keyword:


require_once "global_vars.php";

function f() {
   global $global_var;



However, apart from access through the index.php file I want to be able to include my index.php file from a function context:


   function includeIndex() {
      require_once ("index.php");


The logical result is that variables that are globally accessible to functions when the system is accessed through index.php are now in the context of includeIndex() - so they're not global.

I want to fix this problem by not having the include inside of the function context. How to go upon this?

In index.php rather than declaring vars like so...

$var = 'value';

...declare them in the $GLOBALS array like so...

$GLOBALS['var'] = 'value';

$var is then in the global scope regardless of where it was set.



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