
Did you echo $sql and examine it?
Did you try the statement at the mysql console?
Does the list of values exactly match the field list?
Did you try the alternate syntax ....
[INTO] tbl_name
SET col_name=expression, col_name=expression, ...
as in the MySQL docs?

I'm really curious about what $sql looks like when you echo it. I've been 
surprised more than once.

Miles Thompson

At 04:11 PM 6/18/01 -0700, Todd A. Jacobs wrote:
>PHP: 4.0.4pl1
>MySQL: 3.23.36-1
>I have the following code fragment, which uses the same connection
>parameters elsewhere to *successfully* to retrieve data from a database,
>so this doesn't appear to be a permissions problem with MySQL.
>However, nothing happens with inserts; no rows are added at all. All I get
>is a message form mysql_error() saying "Query was empty."
>Can anyone tell me what might be wrong?
>     $user_idx  = 1;
>     $objective = 1;
>     $question  = 'Foo';
>     $question_type = 'singular';
>     $connection_id = mysql_connect ('', 'php', 'password')
>         or die ("No connection.\n");
>     $sql = "INSERT INTO question VALUES (NULL, $user_idx, $objective,
>         '$question', '$question_type', NULL, NULL)";
>     $result = mysql_db_query('item_db', $sql_query, $connection_id);
>     echo "<pre>";
>     echo "\nDebugging output:\n";
>     echo "\tSQL: $sql\n";
>     echo "\tError: ", mysql_error(), "\n";
>     echo "\tLast insert ID: ", mysql_insert_id(), "\n";
>     echo "\tResult: $result\n";
>     echo "</pre>\n";
>Todd A. Jacobs
>CodeGnome Consulting, LTD

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