On Thu, 2008-04-10 at 13:15 +0100, Richard Heyes wrote:
> > First post to this list! I'm trying to figure out how to evaluate a
> > string with a mathematical expression and get a result, but without
> > using eval() as I'm accepting user input into the string. I don't just
> > want addition, subtraction, multiplication and division - I'd like to
> > take advantage of other functions like ceil, floor etc. 

In reply to my own question, I came up with the following function based
on a comment on php.net
(http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.eval.php#71045). I had a look at
the array returned by get_defined_functions() and the maths functions
seem mostly to be grouped (with the exception of the random number
stuff). It works on my installation but there's nothing in the
documentation about get_defined_functions() returning in a particular
order - it would be safer to list each math function but I'm lazy.

protected function safe_eval($s) {
        if (empty($s)) {
                return 0;
        } else {
                try {
                        return $s;
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                        return 0;

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