On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:56 AM, Nathan Nobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it sounds like thats what theyre talking about doing...
> that way, you could get rid of them almost as quickly as they are created;
> you wont be overwriting any files for different users, and you have the
> garuantee that the sound bytes will no longer be required for use by the
> clients.  because theyve gone to another page ;)  and you eliminate any
> issue about knowing when the file has been completely downloaded by the
> client.

    A great idea if the audio is only being used as an embedded object
within a page.  However, if a developer wants to use the functions to
create audio clips for another reason, the session expiration won't

    Conversely, if a developer wants to use the functions to create
audio clips for another reason, he or she will probably already have a
way of cleaning that up, as well!  ;-P

    I suppose that further validates the idea.

> i would still consider a cron as a cleanup script tho...

    I still think it's the best and most responsible way.  However,
I'm also kicking around the idea of giving each member a larger
private tmp directory, that can then be cleaned out using Thiago's
idea - anything older than n hours is deleted by a function run from a
root cron.

    And no, to those of you who are on my servers, it won't count
against your disk quota.  ;-P

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