Hi guys and girls

I have followed this group for quite some time now and have seen some great
tipps and tricks concerning PHP and its surroundings.

I have gotten hold of a very nice domain name ( phpstop.com ) and have
thought of something nice I could do with it. Now, my idea is to start an
E-ducation (online PHP education) website with some authors who know what
they're talking about.

I am not a master in PHP. I just know what I have to know. So I thought that
some of you might be interested in taking part in this new thing.

Some of my ideas (not too much thought through as I know some of you will
have better ideas):

-- very simple website structure
-- a PDF magazine sent out every 4 weeks or so with tutorials, news,
updates, etc
-- a resource link database
-- links to and introductions of opensource projects (list member projects?)
-- a site / code review corner (subscribers ask the community to review
their sites / code)
-- website of the month ?

If you are interested in taking part, please let me know either on or off
list. My email:

Any input is appreciated. Any designers out there want to make a nice logo?
Send em in, everything welcome. I will put up a poll for the logos I've
received and we'll take the one that gets the most votes.

Cheers !


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