"Richard Heyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> You obviously do not understand what "technically perfect" means when it 
>> comes to data normalisation.
> Obviously.
>> That's why solutions which are thrown together are often incapable of 
>> being expanded to include new requirements.
> I've never adovocated "throwing together" a solution. Merely that the 
> solutions proposed by programmers or database designers aren't always 
> necessary.

I never use databases which have been designed by others, especially DBAs 
who have fancy but often unrealistic ideas on how databases should be 
designed. I design the databases myself, then write the code to access them. 
If I later find that I need to change the database design then I can do so 
without having to ask anyone's permission.

> > If you create a "throw away" solution
>> then never try to expand it, simply throw it away and start again.
> For what reason? If you create a working solution and never try to expand 
> it, chances are you don't need to, so what's the advantage in throwing it 
> away and generating work for yourself in reproducing it?

Your experience in the real world must be very limited as it is often the 
case where a customer starts off with a "simple" requirement then keeps 
expanding it as time goes by as he dreams up more things that the system 
should do for him. If at day #1 you say "these reqirements are very simple, 
therefore require nothing more than a cheap and chearful solution which can 
be thrown together in a few minutes" you end up with a system that is not 
designed to be expanded. As soon as the first enhancement request comes in 
you will find yourself on the tail of a snake.

Tony Marston

> -- 
> Richard Heyes
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