Nice trick, I will remember this one.
Thanks for sharing,

On 23/05/2008, Nathan Nobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:16 AM, Nathan Nobbe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > wow, im going to have to stare at some of those and play around with them
> > as soon as im half awake :)
> >
> > of course i still like my solution ;)  but im excited about the
> > experimentation and ideas that have been shared on this topic, very
> > interesting really!
> i added __set() to my original class, now i can do cool stuff, like this:
>    $a = ArrayClass::simpleFactory(getArray())->{'a'} = 5;
> which allows retrieval of the array, and modification (or access) to a
> given
> member, in a single statement.
> <?php
> class ArrayClass {
>    private $theArray = array();
>    private function __construct($theArray) {
>        $this->theArray = $theArray;
>    }
>    public static function simpleFactory($theArray) {
>        return new self($theArray);
>    }
>    public function __get($member) {
>        if(array_key_exists($this->theArray, $member)) {
>            return $this->theArray[$member];
>        }
>        return null;
>    }
>    public function __set($member, $value) {
>        $this->theArray[$member] = $value;
>    }
> }
> function getArray() {
>    return array(
>        'a' => 1,
>        'b' => 2
>    );
> }
> $a = ArrayClass::simpleFactory(getArray())->{'a'} = 5;
> var_dump($a);
> ?>
> maybe boring to some (or many :D) but as the first time around, i just
> thought it was cool and id share.
> -nathan

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