include() is not magical.  it's all PHP code,
whether or not you put it into your "main" file,
or pull it in with an include()

if it's slow - it's slow, regardless of *how*
it was brought into the script.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 4:11 AM
> To: php-general
> Subject: [PHP] Include & Speed
> Hi everybody,
> How much the include() can slow down the execution of the scripts; if I
> call one file let say for the db connection it's clearly ok but is it a
> limite of numbers of include in one script from where that slow the
> process?
> Marc
> -- 
>       /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*
>       /*                 Marc Fourny                  /*
>       /*      Multimedia Development for the web      /*
>       /*                      &                       /*
>       /*                    CD-ROM                    /*
>       /*           Fourny ElectronicEDiting           /*
>       /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*

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