it looks like your solution *is* elegant... i tried
out your code, becuase i was astonished that such a
simple thing allegedly wasn't working... and it
did work.

below is the exact code i had in my text editor,
and it executed perfectly.
when i called $c->make(), it printed "A:: MAKE". i misunderstanding your problem?


class a {
    function make() {
        // some code
        print "A:: MAKE";

class b extends a {
    function make() {
        // some code

class c extends b {
    function make() {
        // some code

$c = new c();


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lenar Lõhmus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 June 2001 09:01
> Subject: [PHP] parent and grandparent member functions
> Hello,
> I hit a wall. No offense, but this OO stuff in PHP is somehat weird, but
> skip to the problem.
> I have for example three classes:
> class a {
>     function make() {
>         // some code
>     }
> }
> class b extends a {
>     function make() {
>         // some code
>         parent::make();
>     }
> }
> class c extends b {
>     function make() {
>         // some code
>         parent::make();
>     }
> }
> now the class 'c' is instantiated and the member function 'make' is called.
> All works up to the point where 'b'::make calls parent::make().
> It seems to call itself :(. I can understand this is logical behaviour since
> it's still an instance of class c,
> so parent:: is still b::, but how should I call that grandparent's make()???
> This doesn't seem like a good OOP.
> For example delphi's 'inherited' works relative to the class it's used in
> and it is way more useful than php's way.
> is there any elegant soultion(s) to my problem?
> Lenar Lõhmus

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