
on 06/13/2008 02:46 PM Shiplu said the following:
> Hello,
> How can i capture homepage screenshot of a webpage by php?
> I know a way.
> I'll run a executable written in C/C++. when It will be called to process a
> screen shot It will just load the webpage in firefox and capture the image.
> It'll send the image path to php. The executable will be running.
> The problem with this solution is, I have to run X, Firefox in my web
> server, which doesn't look efficient for a server.
> I wanna know, is there any other way to achieve this? without creating a
> screen shot server.

If you run PHP on Windows, you can use this PHP class that was just
released and does exactly what you need. I think it could be adapted to
work with Firefox too.



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