hehe. ok i'll explain, half way through you will see what you were doing
wrong :)

  // valid
  $test = 'chris lee';
  echo $test;

  // in-valid
  echo $test;
  $test = 'chris lee';

  // valid
  $pullquote1 = 'test for pull quote';

  // in-valid
  $pullquote1 = 'test for pull quote';

see where im going ? your echoing the data, then assigning it a value. it
needs to be the other way around


  Chris Lee

"Jeremy Bowen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hey,
> I have a website where I use header and footer files in a "includes"
> to establish the header and footer of each page. They are pretty simple,
> straight up html.
> The website is kind of an online magazine and what I want to do is print
> quotes out of each story.
> So in my file lests say index.phtml I have:
> <? include(/path/to/file/header.inc) ?>
> <?
> pullquote1='Test for pull quote';
> pullquote2='pullquote2 text';
> keywords='shdjkashd kasdj d kjdjdjasd';
> title='Title of Page';
> ?>
> <? include(path/to/file/footer.inc) ?>
> ---
> In the header file I have <? print($pullquote1) ?>
> It doesn't work!!!
> My problem is that I cannot get the variables to print in the included
> Isn't the include text run through the pre-processor? What am I doing
> here?
> I want one pullquote to print in the header fil and one in the footer. I
> going nuts trying to figure out what the problem is!
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> --
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