> Is there a particular reason you're telling PHP that, "for each
> $types variable, set this key of the $field_name array to equal
> $data_type, and do nothing else about it"?

The ifx_fieldtypes function returns the data as an array with the field
names as the key, and the field types as the data. So, to get the column
titles to display, I am setting creating an array for the field names(key)
by passing the =>.  I think?

I could rename $data_type to $apples_and_oranges or any variable name I
wanted. It just needs the reference so it knows to output the field name
instead of the field type. If I'm understanding the manual.  Yes, Dan...I
read the manual this time! :)

I believe the problem I am having is within the code below:

while($info = ifx_fetch_row($query)) {
  foreach($field_name as $fieldName) { // Loop through the array of headers
as we fetch the data
   $row[] = parseCSVComments($info->$fieldName);
  } // End loop

The output of print_r($info); is everything that I want to see and it is
actually there.  But when I try to get that data into an array to display in
my table, it isn't being displayed. I think I might have the syntax
incorrect for $row[].... because if I type in $row[] =
parseCSVComments($info); my output displays "Array" in every cell.


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