At 10:09 AM -0700 6/24/08, Ryan S wrote:
Is there a way to check if a new post has been submitted on your favourite wordpress site?

So, you want something to tell you if something new has been added to a remote site, right?

There used to be free services that did that -- I used to monitor competitors's web sites using such service. But, I think they eventually stopped the free service. Here's one site that charges:

Now, if you want to do this on your own, then it should be simple enough to use get_file_contents and put the file through a md5() function (or use md5_file) and store the result in a dB.

Then cron a check every so often to see if the hash has changed. If it has, then email you notice, rehash the site and store it in the dB.

Or, am I completely off-base in understanding what you wanted (as I've been told lately)?




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