> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 2:34 PM
> To: Boyd, Todd M.
> Cc: php-general@lists.php.net
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Monitor a WP website
> <snippy>
> If it's RSS, I think it's going to be XML regardless of the language
> they're using to assemble it (Perl, PHP, ASP, etc.). I might be wrong,
> but I thought that's part of what made it RSS.
> I'm afraid to click on a site with the url "ballz.info" while I'm at
> work. :D Any other WP feed examples?
> </snippy>
> LOL, no worries, all links that i sent are work safe... although if
> someone saw you open that their opinion of you might be lowered as its
> a celeb site and presently has super dumbo Paris H on the first
> Pretty much the same is this one (again work safe)
> http://www.ballzbollywood.com/feed/
> A client runs both of these...


That feed is indeed XML.

However, as you said, some sites *MAY* have that option turned off. (For
what reason, I have no idea.) I would suggest doing what tedd was
talking about--grab the entire file contents, and figure out the
structure of WP sites to determine where the "articles" are at in the
tag structure, and parse the info inside those tags.

Todd Boyd
Web Programmer

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