--- On Fri, 6/27/08, Thijs Lensselink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Thijs Lensselink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [PHP] unset and circular references
> To: php-general@lists.php.net
> Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 5:21 PM
> Quoting Abu Warez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I think this happens because there is still a reference to
 the B object.
> According to the manual :
> The destructor method will be called as soon as all
> references to a 
> particular object are removed or when the object is
> explicitly 
> destroyed or in any order in shutdown sequence.
> So as long as A has a reference to B the __destructor will
> not be called.

I think you mean: "As long as B has a ref to A (which, indeed, creates B),
the destructor of A will not be called".
I agree with that, but in this case the garbage collector should detect
that the reference to object $a is from an object $m_b which is created (and 
maintained) again by the first object $a. In other words, if object $a is not 
needed then its member $m_b (which has a reference to $a) is not needed 
neither. So in this case, in my opinion, if one wants to destory object $a then 
the reference from $m_b to $a should not count.

This issue is really frustrating because because in my code I have something 
like (where $a is of type class A):

for ( $id ... )
    $a = daoMyClass->LoadById( $id );
    .... modify $a ...
    /* persist modified $a */
    daoMyClass->Update( $a );
    unset( $a );

unset, as stated, does not destroy $a and all the loaded $a's remain in
memory until the script ends. Rising the memory limit is not a solution
because the count of $a objects grows between script calls. Any ideas?



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