Quoting Brian Dunning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I'm trying to add a number to a value in an array. Pretend I have this:

$new_value = array('orange', 2);
$arr = array(
        array('blue', 4),
        array('orange', 5),
        array('green', 6));

I want to add the new value to the existing matching array element, so
I end up with this:

$arr = array(
        array('blue', 4),
        array('orange', 7),
        array('green', 6));

Seems like it should be really simple but all the ways I can figure out
to do it are too kludgey.

Just loop through the array to update. And use in_array to check if the key to update exists. Then you can do $array[$key][1] = $newValue.

Something like this maybe:

function updateArray(&$array, $update)
    list($updateKey, $updateValue) = $update;
    foreach ($array as $key => $subArray) {
        if (in_array($updateKey, $subArray)) {
            $array[$key][1] = $updateValue;

updateArray($arr, $new_value);

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