Your description of the problem is confusing.

Do you simply want to delete a table row if it contains a variable, e.g., $var='bigfoto' and append "==REPLACEMENT==" ? Where $var can be anything you assign.

Maxim Antonov wrote:

But I need no td and tr inside regular expression
It is a part of my templater.

In real code it looks like:
return preg_replace('#\{%%%.*?\{%'.$key.'%\}.*?%%%\}#is','',$tpl);

if one of $key inside {%%% .... %%%} points to empty array item - all section between {%%% %%%} must be deleted.

Daniel Brown :
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 5:21 AM, Maxim Antonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, all!

I try to use folowing regular expression:
$out =

I need result as:

<tr><td>NAME:</td><td><input type="text" name="name" value=""
<tr><td>Foto:</td><td><input type="file" name="foto" value="{%foto%}" />
 {%%%<br/><img alt="{%name%}" src="{%foto%}"/>%%%}

    To get it *exactly* as you've mentioned here, use this instead:

$out = preg_replace('/<tr><td>Big.*\{%%%.*\{%bigfoto%\}.*%%%\}.*<\/tr>/Uis','==REPLACEMENT==',$str);

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