On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Giulio Mastrosanti
> First of all thank you all for your answers, and thank you for your time
> and yes Tedd, my question was quite ambiguous in that point.
> Andrew is right, i don't want to change in any way the list of keys I show
> in the result, I just want to find the way to higlight the matching words,
> regardless of their accent variations.
> So I think his Andrew's suggestion could be a good solution, and I'll try it
> ASAP...
> let me se if i correctly understood:
> $search = preg_quote($word); -- quotes chars that could be intrepreted like
> regex special chars
> $search = str_replace('e', '[eטיךכ]', $search);  --  trasforms i.e. cafe in
> caf[eטיךכ], so matches all the accented variations
> return preg_replace('/\b' ...  -- replaces all the occurences adding the
> tags, you use \b as word boundary, right?

Yes, yes, and yes. :-)

> it seems a fine soultion to the problem!
> the only thing i must add is, befor calling highlight_search_terms, to
> 'normalize' the word string ( the word used for the search) to transform it
> removing the accentated versions of the chars:
> $word = preg_replace('[טי]{1}','e',$word);
> $word = preg_replace('[א]{1}','a',$word);
> that because also the search string could contain an accented char, and this
> way I avoid to perform str_replace in the highlight_search_terms function
> for every combination of accented chars

I was intrigued by your example, so I played around with it some more
this morning. My own quick web search yielded a lot of results for
highlighting search terms, but none that I found did what you're
after. (I admit I didn't look very deep.) I was up to something like
this before your reply came in. It's still by no means complete. It
even handles simple English plurals (words ending in 's' or 'es'), but
not variations that require changing the word base (like 'daisy' to

function highlight_search_terms($phrase, $string) {
    $non_letter_chars = '/[^\pL]/iu';
    $words = preg_split($non_letter_chars, $phrase);

    $search_words = array();
    foreach ($words as $word) {
        if (strlen($word) > 2 && !preg_match($non_letter_chars, $word)) {
            $search_words[] = $word;

    $search_words = array_unique($search_words);

    foreach ($search_words as $word) {
        $search = preg_quote($word);

        /* repeat for each possible accented character */
        $search = preg_replace('/(ae|æ|ǽ)/iu', '(ae|æ|ǽ)', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/(oe|œ)/iu', '(oe|œ)', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[aàáâãäåǻāăą](?!e)/iu',
'[aàáâãäåǻāăą]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[cçćĉċč]/iu', '[cçćĉċč]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[dďđ]/iu', '[dďđ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/(?<![ao])[eèéêëēĕėęě]/iu',
'[eèéêëēĕėęě]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[gĝğġģ]/iu', '[gĝğġģ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[hĥħ]/iu', '[hĥħ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[iìíîïĩīĭįı]/iu', '[iìíîïĩīĭįı]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[jĵ]/iu', '[jĵ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[kķĸ]/iu', '[kķĸ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[lĺļľŀł]/iu', '[lĺļľŀł]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[nñńņňʼnŋ]/iu', '[nñńņňʼnŋ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[oòóôõöōŏőǿơ](?!e)/iu',
'[oòóôõöōŏőǿơ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[rŕŗř]/iu', '[rŕŗř]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[sśŝşš]/iu', '[sśŝşš]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[tţťŧ]/iu', '[tţťŧ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[uùúûüũūŭůűųǔǖǘǚǜ]/iu',
'[uùúûüũūŭůűųǔǖǘǚǜ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[wŵ]/iu', '[wŵ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[yýÿŷ]/iu', '[yýÿŷ]', $search);
        $search = preg_replace('/[zźżž]/iu', '[zźżž]', $search);

        $string = preg_replace('/\b' . $search . '(e?s)?\b/iu', '<span
class="keysearch">$0</span>', $string);

    return $string;


I still can't help feeling there must be some better way, though.

> well, i think I'm on the good way now, unfortunately I have some other
> urgent work and can't try it immediately, but I'll let you know    :)
> thank you!
>     Giulio


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