On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 3:51 PM, Daniel Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    You're performing math to get the result for $totChargeDiff by
> subtracting $totalCharges from $endingBal.  That will give you -0.10
> in this case, because 0.10 - 0.20 = -0.10.  You want the difference,
> not the result.

    Oh, and the code, by the way:

// .... your code to this point....

/* what is the difference between the ending balance and the charges? */
                $totChargeDiff = ($totalCharges > $endingBal) ?
($endingBal + $totalCharges) : ($endingBal - $totalCharges);
                echo number_format($totChargeDiff, 2, '.', '')."\t";

// .... and continue with your code here....

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