On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:50 PM, Niccolo Machiavelli
> $array = array(
>  1 => array("order_number" => "10DA0DDEDAF97DB", "order_payment_first_name"
> =>  "Mike", "order_payment_last_name" =>  "Smith"),
>  2 => array("order_number" => "10DA0DDEDAF97DB", "order_payment_first_name"
> =>  "Mike", "order_payment_last_name" =>  "Smith"),
>  3 => array("order_number" => "45Y3453245T23T5", "order_payment_first_name"
> =>  "Steve", "order_payment_last_name" =>  "Jobs"),
>  4 => array("order_number" => "34RTB345T45T456", "order_payment_first_name"
> =>  "Frank", "order_payment_last_name" =>  "Capra"),
>  5 => array("order_number" => "567U457645645Y6", "order_payment_first_name"
> =>  "John", "order_payment_last_name" =>  "Doe"),
>  6 => array("order_number" => "7698234T456M963", "order_payment_first_name"
> =>  "Bill", "order_payment_last_name" =>  "Williams"));
> echo('<pre>');
> print_r($array);
> echo('</pre>');
> My question is I want to remove duplicate order numbers in other words ditch
> *one* of the Mike Smith rows there's a duplicate order number there.
> And I need to do it in either a for/foreach loop. Somehow there's got to be
> a simple way to check and only output non duplicate order numbers while I'm
> looping thru the data. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks

Would it be possible to leave them out in your original query?

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