Try returning a value from CreateUser and checking it before sending the

Thank you,
Micah Gersten
onShore Networks
Internal Developer

Miles Thompson wrote:
> An online signup script is randomly missing part of the task. These scripts
> are involved:
> sub_signup.php
>    include/cc_proc.php - does the CC (credit card) processing
>    include/user_maint.php - inserts the new subscriber into the database
> When the CC processing finishes, with the success flag, user_maint.php is
> included, and a few lines later the createUser($params) function therein is
> called to create the user. Every mysql_ function in user_maint.php is
> backstopped with a die() if it fails. But sometimes it appears that the call
> to this script, or the createUser() function just isn't made.
> What seems to happen, randomly, is that the script "charges on" so to speak,
> sending an advisory email to the office manager that there is a new
> subscriber, and calling sub_signup_thanks.php, which displays a completion
> message, etc.
> In all of these cases the credit card processing has succeeded. Sometimes
> people have tried to sign up two or three times, the card processes, but no
> addition is made to the database. It's driving us nuts! Any thoughts?
> Regards - Miles
> Infrastructure: Apache 2.2, PHP 5.x, MySQL 5
> Code:
>     switch ($ret) {
>     case CC_SUCCESS:
>         require 'include/user_maint.php';
>         $cctype = cc_getCardType($cc);
>         if ($cctype == 'Visa') $cctype = 'VISA';
>         elseif ($cctype == 'MasterCard') $cctype = 'M-C';
>         //Shouldn't happen in case CC_SUCCESS, but better safe than sorry
>         else die('We don\'t support this credit card');
>         $params = array(
>             'firstname'   => $first,
>             // various fields
>             'postal_code' => $postal_code,
>             'pay_method'  => $cctype
>         );
>         // createUser is a function in user_maint
>         createUser($params);
>         // sendEmail is func in user_maint, advises office manager
>         sendEmail('New subscriber!!!', "Already paid $amount by credit
> card", $fields);
>         require 'sub_signup_thanks.php';    //Grabs authCode from $result
>         return;
>         } //other situations dealt with, and properly closed

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