On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Richard Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>> I've been playing around with the zend search lucene and it is really
>> powerful too.
> Worth looking into?
> --
> Richard Heyes

Most definitely.  But with all that power and optional stuff comes
complexity too.  It isn't a five minute attempt to see something
working.  In fact I thought it was a bit harder than it needed to be
getting it working (specifically removing a document/re-adding to

What I've done is get a really basic add/edit/remove & search on
partial content set up.  It is pretty easy to set up a search on a
site with it now.  From there I can move from a timed cron job
re-indexing to actual real time updates on content saving if needed.
Also you can customize what exactly gets stored in the search database
too.  You can specify you want to search on document titles versus
just the whole content.  There is a lot there to play with.

Before this I used either a fulltext, simple LIKE, or an external
program like Swish-e.  I really enjoyed using Swish-e, except it
doesn't support utf-8 which is silly in 2008.


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