Here's the info on the "weirdness" of between:

Thank you,
Micah Gersten
onShore Networks
Internal Developer

VamVan wrote:
> Hey,
> For ranges you can also use "Between" in the mysql queries.
> SELECT * FROM table WHERE Type= "Attainable" AND Min LIKE $var can be
> written as
> Select * from table where between min and max
> Just remember that "between" acts a bit wierd with dates or else Jim's
> solution would be perfect for you.
> Thanks
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Jim Lucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Aslan wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> I have a range of records that represent different faults and different
>>> symptoms that I want to pull out of the database, and to find the records
>>> that are the closest within each range.
>>> I am currently doing it with a barrage of if statements, but I am sure
>>> that this could be done faster and far more elegantly by using SQL
>>> I have a range of conditions eg
>>> Attainable rates:
>>> 0-500 KB/sec is very poor
>>> 500 - 1000 is marginal
>>> 1000- 3000 KB/sec is good
>>> So the database may look like:
>>> Type|Min|Max|Value
>>> Attainable|0|500|" This rate is very poor"
>>> and then SQL could go something like
>>> SELECT * FROM table WHERE Type= "Attainable" AND Min LIKE $var
>> You're close, try this
>> SELECT   *
>> FROM     table
>> WHERE    Type = "Attainable"
>>  AND    Min <= $var
>>  AND    Max >= $var
>> as long as your min and max do not overlap from row to row, you should only
>> get one result.  Make sure in your data that you have no overlap.
>> Row 1 =    0 -  499
>> Row 2 =  500 -  999
>> Row 3 = 1000 - 1499
>>> But that wouldn't work quite right I don't think.
>>> But where it can get a bit more hairy is that I want to have a whole range
>>> of variables that are input from an entry table, and then it just finds the
>>> the vars that are the closest to what is searching for all the vars. The
>>> closest code I have seen doing something similar is where there it is
>>> finding if an IP is in a certain range.
>>> Does that make sense? feel free to email me if you need more explanation.
>>> It is kind of like a multi variable search engine, that is finding the
>>> root cause of the symptoms that are the very best fit given the
>>> multi-variables...
>>> Thanks heaps for any assistance,
>>> Aslan.
>> --
>> Jim Lucas
>>   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
>>       and some have greatness thrust upon them."
>> Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
>>    by William Shakespeare
>> --
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