On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 10:45 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a module originally written for PHP-Nuke that I have ported to
> CPG-Nuke/DragonFlyCMS.
> In PHP4, the page I'm displaying works fine.
> In PHP5, it doesn't.
> The following link is a screenshot of the page using PHP4:
> http://nukeleaguedf.winsto.net/working-php4.jpg
> And a screenshot from PHP5:
> http://nukeleaguedf.winsto.net/broken-php5.jpg
> You can see that the stat lines for the first group (Batters) displays
> properly. However, the stat lines for the following groups do not.
> I have copied the three offending files into text files:
> http://nukeleaguedf.winsto.net/modules/League/index.txt
> http://nukeleaguedf.winsto.net/modules/League/util.txt
> http://nukeleaguedf.winsto.net/modules/League/classes.txt
> Line 1119 of index.txt is where is all begins.
> I have tested that the while loop is actually looping 3 times as it should
> (once for each group).
> Doing a var_dump of $players shows all of the required information.
> Line 1126 is the actual line that displays the fields.
> I have scoured the code with my limited PHP knowledge, but I can't for the
> life of me see why its not working in PHP5.
> Perhaps part of the code is incompatible with PHP5, or perhaps its a bug
> in PHP5.
> Is anyone able to help?

thats a decent bit of code to pick through, jeff.  glancing at index.txt,
the code looks pretty straight forward, and by that i mean that it doesnt
look like theres anything that shouldnt work in php5.

if i were to guess, i would suspect an environmental issue.  you should
ensure that all the extensions you had in php4 are there in php5.  you can
do this by writing a simple script, phpinfo.php


you should run this in both the php4, and php5 environments and make sure
things look essentially identical.  as well, there are a few things that
changed in php5, here is a helpful reference from the manual that will give
you things to look out for,


another thing i would recommend to weed out any environmental issues is to
configure error_reporting to show everything.  so (depending on your version
of php5) if youre using the latest version, your php.ini file should have
something like this

display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL

on older versions of php5, you would have to tweak the error reporting to
also display E_STRICT errors, i doubt thats your problem, but i thought to
mention it.

something else that might be helpful would be setting up a debugger, such as
xdebug + protoeditor.  i can help you through the configuration if you
want.  this will allow you to set breakpoints and step through the code,
line-by-line if you wish, which could also help you isolate the problem more


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