> I am about to write a new admin system for a website I do and 
> it will have many different logins. I was wondering overall which 
> most of you thought would be better for such a thing? Wants really 
> a pro about sessions over cookies?

If it's for an admin section, then you may as well use cookies. If
the client doesn't want to use cookies they can't use their admin
interface. :) I doubt they would have privacy issues with themselves

If you're going to use cookies, hopefully you'll have a database 
system available (you said you'd have lots of different logins).

So, create a session table:

 ID int
 username text
 password text (if required, maybe you won't need it again)
 logintime int
 expirytime int
 magickey text

Generate a magic key as such:

   $randomseed = intval(ereg_replace("[^0-9]", "",
substr(Date("U").microtime(), 4, 10)));
   $newid = rand(11111, 99999);
   $magickey = md5($newid.$REMOTE_ADDR.time());

This should give you sufficient entropy as to make the magickey unguessable
(except by sheer fluke). Send the magic key as the cookie and log it in the
table (sessiontime = session time in seconds):

 >>> INSERT INTO sessions 
     (username, (password if needed,) logintime, expirytime, magickey)
     ('$uname', ('$pass',) Date("U"), Date("U")+$sessiontime, '$magickey')

Every page in the admin area should check the cookie:

 >>> SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE magickey = '$yourcookievalue'
 >>> Ensure that epxirytime is not less than date("U")

If those checks fail, redirect them to the login page and Exit().

If the user logs out and you're storing passwords, ensure you delete the 
password with an UPDATE command or else someone breaking into your system
will have just found all your admin passwords. You might want to run a 
script on a crontab to do that as well.

As a slightly more kludgy alternative, take the md5() of the last
modification time of a file somewhere:

   $lastmod = filemtime("/path/to/your/admin/page/index.php");
   $checkvalue = md5($lastmod);

And set $checkvalue as your cookie. Every subsequent page should then
perform the same check and if it fails, redirect as above and Exit().

Hope this helps somewhat.


Jason Murray
Web Developer, Melbourne IT
"What'll Scorpy use wormhole technology for?"
'Faster pizza delivery.'

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