2008/8/25 tedd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dotan:
> This is what I use to force php to consider certain files:
> # handler for phpsuexec..
> <FilesMatch "\.(htm|html|css|tpl)$">
>  SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
> </FilesMatch>
> I occasionally use php in css files and this works for that.
> My understanding is that you could change the FilesMatch to whatever
> specific files you want. For example, if you had changed "contact.html" from
> Python to php it would read:
> <FilesMatch "contact.html">
> Would that solve the problem?
> Cheers,
> tedd

Thanks, as soon as I get to a place where I dare run SSH I will try
that. It looks to be just what I was looking for, thanks.

Dotan Cohen



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