On Mon, 2008-08-25 at 10:24 -0700, David Park wrote:
> Hi All,
> I currently run a phpBB site using phpBB v. 2.0.22 and PHP4.  We'd like to
> install either APC or eaccelerator to speed up the site's performance.  I'm
> not sure whether we should choose APC or eaccelerator since I'm a newbie to
> PHP caching.
> Which do you think is better - APC or eacclerator?  Here are some criteria
> that I'd like to use in evaluating APC vs. eacclerator: 1) compatibility, 2)
> stability and 3) speed.
> Some older posts on the net (from 2006) complained about incompatibilities
> between APC/eacclerator and phpBB and about crashes of APC/eacclerator.  I'm
> hoping that these problems have been cleared up by now.

Many years ago now I was using PHPAccelerator... when it stopped being
updated I made the switch. At that time I checked out both APC and
eaccelerator and found eaccelerator to be the faster for my needs.
Recently, and I don't recall the link, I read something that indicated
eaccelerator is faster than APC. Mileage may vary though depending on
individual usage patterns. Either way, I'd say they are probably fairly

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