This is what I have:

$distance = number_format(ceil(69*rad2deg(acos(sin(deg2rad($ulat)) *
sin(deg2rad($vlat)) + cos(deg2rad($ulat)) * cos(deg2rad($vlat)) *
cos(deg2rad($ulong - $vlong))))));


$ulat = latitude of user #1
$ulong = longitude of user #1

$vlat = latitude of user #2
$vlong = longitude of user #2

it seems to work properly at least with US data. I assume any
longitude/latitude date will work fine with it. If anyone has links to
other countries' zipcode mappings I'd love to be able to add that to
my site :)

(I basically took a MySQL query and mapped it to the PHP functions)

On 9/1/08, Tom Chubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > <snip>
> >  public static function Distance($latA, $lngA, $latB, $lngB, $blnMiles =
> > false)
> >  {
> >    $multiplier = 6371;
> >    if ($blnMiles)
> >      $multiplier *= 1.609344;
> >
> >    $rv = <<<ESQL
> >  (ACOS(
> >    SIN(RADIANS($latA)) * SIN(RADIANS($latB))
> >    + COS(RADIANS($latA)) * COS(RADIANS($latB)) * COS(RADIANS($lngB) -
> > RADIANS($lngA)))
> >  * $multiplier)
> > ESQL;
> >    return $rv;
> >  }

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