Ok, I've gotten the following so far, which is giving me the results, except it is still sorting by file name and not the file's date.

$folder = $_GET['id'];
$dir = "/home/recruitsavvy/public_html/resumes/$folder/";
$filepattern = '*';
$sorting_list = array();
$filemtimes = array();
# Get file/dir listing, else error message
if ( ( $list = glob( $dir . $filepattern ) ) !== false ) {
foreach ( $list AS $file ) {
 $filemtime = filemtime( $dir . $file );
 # Build array to be sorted with filename and filemtime
 $sorting_list[] = array('filename' => $file, 'filemtime' => $filemtime);
 # This is the list of filemtimes to sort by later
 $filemtimes[] = $filemtime;
 # Sort array based on $filemtimes
 # http://php.net/array-multisort     Example #3
 if (array_multisort($filemtimes, SORT_DESC, $sorting_list) ) {
  echo date("m-d-Y", filemtime($file)) . " " . $file . "<br />\n";
} else {
echo 'Directory listing call failed!';


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