At 12:03 PM +0100 9/12/08, Stut wrote:
On 12 Sep 2008, at 11:55, Tom Chubb wrote:
I have generally been using the PHP mail function for sending emails from
contact forms on websites, but have recently had problems with a lot of
mails being delivered to junk/spam folders.
I've tried loads of different headers, etc and almost every contact form on
sites I've done is different.
I think it's time I started standardising and using an SMTP class to send
and wanted some advice from people.
I'm looking at the Pear Mail package and wondering whether that would be ok,
or should I just start rolling out phpmailer on all sites, in case I start
to put mailing lists, etc. in the future.
Basically, what do most of you do for contact/enquiry form emails?



There you go again with your excellent, but damned annoying, articles. Please provide questionable advice every once in a while. :-)




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