What I want to do is find the top 10 servers where the column steps = iisreset. The following code works great except that the page is not displaying the servername in the 'Server Name' column of my results (nothing appears, the column is just blank).

servername and steps are the important columns in the database table. $_POST[time1] and $_POST[time2] come from a form submitted.

When I copy and paste the entire select statement into the SQL tab in phpmyadmin (and replace the time variables with actual times corresponding to the timestamp column), it displays the correct results including servername. Everything works in the php page's results except for the servername. I feel like it's right in front of my face and that's why I can't see it lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance =)

My code...

$query = "SELECT servername, COUNT(steps) FROM monitoring WHERE steps LIKE 'iisreset' AND timestamp <= '$_POST[time2]' AND timestamp >= '$_POST[time1]' GROUP BY servername ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 10";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

# display column titles
echo "<center><table class='table'><tr>";
echo "<td class='tableHeader'><center><small><b>Count</b></small></td>";
echo "<td class='tableHeader'><center><small><b>Server Name</b></small></td>";
echo "</tr>";

#display results
while($i = mysql_fetch_row($result))
echo "<tr><td><small><center>", $i[COUNT('steps')], "</center></small></td>";
echo "<td><small><center>", $i[servername] ,"</center></small></td></tr>";
echo "</table></center><br>";

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