
Thanks for your reply.

So far I've been unable to further investigate my problem and send to you a
toy script to demonstrate it.  For since Monday both applications have been
working fine. Yipee!
They began working again after the server was rebooted - which the
Administrator claimed he had already done one evening, but he had actually
just restarted apache, this I had to point out to him in the log files.  

However, when the new application was rolled out, initially it worked for a
couple of days before the errors showed their ugly faces, so I my not have
seen the last of them yet.  And obviously I'd like to find out exactly what
caused the errors in the first place - it was a little embarrassing
releasing a new high profile company wide application that I had nutured
since it's birth, only for it to stab me in the back after a couple of days
in use.

However I have noticed in the test servers log the message
PHP Warning:  failed to rollback outstanding transactions!: also but without
noticeably causing any ill effects (unlike for the live apps which caused
people to loose their session information and be logged out etc). I've asked
my Administrator to apply the your suggested fix below to the test server to
see what happens and I'll let you know the results after he gets round to
doing it.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Thies C. Arntzen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 June 2001 19:11
To: Taylor, Stewart; Zeev Suraski
Subject: Re: [PHP] Oracle Database keeps disconnecting - or something

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 02:23:14PM +0100, Taylor, Stewart wrote:
> Hello,
> Just in case anyones got any ideas.
> I've been testing an application for a few weeks on a test server without
> any problems.
> After releasing it onto the live server, which is - according to the
> administrator - setup exactly the same as the test server I've been
> into problems.
> Apparently the database seems to be disconnecting randomly see log file
> extract below.
> I already had a application on the live server which has been working
> perfectly for a year or so.  Now the new application is live it is having
> the same problem as well.
> The test version of the already live application is also on the same test
> server and both databases on live and test are setup exactly the same way.
> My administrator tells me that we have a license for unlimited connections
> to the database etc..
> My setup us
> OCI8 Revision 1.96
> Oracle Version 8.1
> Apache Apache/1.3.11
> Redhat Linux 6.2
> php 4.0.2
> I'm also using phplib 7.2c to manage authentication/sessions and database
> access.

    i've found somebody in hamburg (which is where i live) who
    could show me the problem. his setup is rather complex - so
    if you could send me a _short_ testcase (_without_ phplib)
    that reproduces you problem i would be very happy to work on

    are you using oracle-MTS by any chance?

    BTW: could you please comment out the call to
    php_config_ini_shutdown() in main/main.c and see if it makes
    any difference for you?

    (zeev: the call to php_config_ini_shutdown is too early, if a
    module calls php_error in the MSHUTDOWN
    core_globals->error_log is already freed - i think we need to
    fix this!)


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