The following code fragment works properly, in that I get the output I'm
expecting. However, if I don't disable error messages with @, I get an
error message from PHP saying: "Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid
MySQL result resource in /var/www/htdocs/cgcm/test2.php on line 9."

How can the resource be invalid if I'm getting the results back? I'd
appreciate any explaination.

    $connection_id = @mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root') or die('No
    $database_id   = @mysql_select_db ('cgcms', $connection_id) or die('No


    $result_id = @mysql_query("DESC $table_name $field_name");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result_id);       # This is line 9

Todd A. Jacobs
CodeGnome Consulting, LTD

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